Friday, January 21, 2011

我爱我的星座: ~♥金牛座♥~

我爱我的星座: ~♥金牛座♥~: "金牛座的人通常对吃的要求很高,但这并不代表他们就是贪吃。他们喜欢的是精美可口的食物而并非仅仅是填报肚子,对垃圾食物他们一般是不屑一顾的。因为他们对味觉比常人较敏感,所以他们把吃也当作是一种欣赏品位的过程。另外,美食还可以减轻金牛座常常产生的焦躁不安情绪,以及莫名其妙的低落心情。而..."

我爱我的星座: 收服金牛大法

我爱我的星座: 收服金牛大法: "金牛女 想到金牛,我想到了许多东西。这是个不容归纳清楚的星座。作为被金星守护的星座,金牛却并非爱情高手。这本身就是很奇怪的事情。为什么呢?难道仅仅因为金星在这里被放大了审美观和品位?我觉得不是这么简单。 那么,让我们看看本篇的主角----金牛女生有着怎样的特征和潜在内心吧..."

Saturday, January 8, 2011

outing post 2011.

Isn't need time flies?
People come in and out in my past 20 years.
I don't really remember when was my last post about my outing with friend~
It could be happened before 2010, I assumed.
Few hours ago....I picked my babe up from her house.
Few hours ago....we went for a hairdo.
Few hours later,babe not satisfied with her imbalance hair color tone.EMO :(
We adjourned to pavilion for dinner after we done with our hair.Today's dinner babe treat.thanks for the dinner and snowflake!!WTH!
We took away our snowflake and headed to CHATIME.This is not our actual plan though.Plan A failed?we go for Plan B.... :)
Drove the brother and sister go home after that.

I do enjoy my first day out after I came back from my trip.....when we both meet,we have never ending topics........seem like we already knew each others for long.With her,I will never shut my mouth up~~~ we gossips all along,never get tired. :D

And babe wanted to sign up for aerobic class!!!!BABE!you sure I wont die in heart stroke after that?haha.....

I already miss up meet up!!!crazy girl,so hilarious!!

Today,I knock out and high high in the car....
bubble bubble~~bubble gum~~
TOP is hot XD

Your truly,
Miss Sherrin

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sorry for the hiatus :(
I am back.
Seem my night is still young
I would like to share with you those beauty products that I am using in current.
FYI I have a very bad skin....
I mean people tend to think I have nice skin but that is just an outer looks....innerly suck to hell. :(
Especially I just came back from korea. My skin had been dry up in korea for days.I did moisturize my face and mask on every night but it seems doesn't help.
And now I am back.Pimples pop pile off....
I had sensitive skin,not only my face but my hands and legs.feel so shitty right now.
To be a perfect young lady,we firstly start from the imperfect us.

 Tomatox Brightening Mask@ Tony Moly (from korea)
apply on your face  for 7 minutes will do especially the T-zone of your helps to cure acne and black.
 Lip Therapy with rose and almond oil.VASELINE.something I couldn't live without.
Cares for lips and gently tints.apply it whenever your lips dry,don't wait it till crack :S
This vaseline can give you rosy lips after you apply on it,is like you applying lip gloss :)
I got this from UK.
 Woots.....Guess what is this?
 Egg soap.Use it daily for the sake of shiny skins
by the way this is a korean brand too.Holika Holika which endorsed by CN BLUE. :D
 Another Holika Holika Banana hand butter.
Banana provides a substantial amount of vitamin A,protein,carotin and Vitamin C.say goodbye to ahjumma hands.hehe
 Apply this right after you shower,so it can easily absorb into your skins.This body cream made from lemon essential oil.Intensively hydrates and regenerates the tissues.It protects against cell aging too.oh yes,it can be whitening your skins because it contains lemon. This is a brand from paris- BIOSTASE is a good brand though.
 Aqua Colagen solution marine hydro gel eye patch.
Are you the one who stay up till late night like me?Now is about 4am....I am still updating my blog.If you are still awake until this time, a pair of eye patch is totally in need.put it on ur eye bags zone for at least half an hours....and say bye to your dark circles and eye bags.
This is from nature republic which endorsed by RAIN and JYJ.Strongly recommended...really useful and this is one of their top sellers too.
 Deep Hydrating mask.I use it everyday.You can get it in any pharmacy I guess.My daddy bought me this. :)
 Skin Perfecting Pen.Getting annoy by your pimples or acne?dont worry this pen would definitely pull you up from burning hell.I had been using this for a few years.Whenever I have pimples I will surely tints directly on affected helps you to reduces spots,boils and pimples.apply 1-3 times a day and soon you will see the outcome.
this is CELLEX-C from canada.cost you about 100MYR for 10ml.even it is a bit costly but is worth to pay for it.

Face mask.obviously this is H2O+ which you can find it everywhere in M'sia. I had been using their products for 2 years I guess~only their mask and remover.overall is good.I love their sea mineral mud mask.(the blue one)it removes impurities and refine skin texture.

I using it all everyday and night.of coz to have a good skin~you need to have healthy diet and normal sleeping time.And I pretty failed on doing it.I relying too much on beauty products I know. :( drink more water and fruits if you are least do the basic one.H20 is really important for our skin.

your truly,
